IANPHI works with a network of dedicated partners, each bringing their special expertise and contributions to support and advocate for strong public health systems and national public health institutes (NPHIs). These global health organizations, government agencies, businesses, foundations, associations and individuals are vital to the development and operation of our programs, and we are grateful to each for their guidance and assistance.
Current Funding Partners
The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S. CDC) awarded the IANPHI U.S. Office at Emory Global Health Institute a five-year cooperative agreement in the amount of USD 17 million in 2015. Funds were used to support in projects and programs aimed at building and strengthening NPHIs. A second cooperative agreement was initiated in 2019 and has provided USD 7.3 million for the first two years with subsequent years amounts to be determined. In 2021, IANPHI and U.S. CDC celebrated the 10-year anniversary of the partnership.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation provided a one-year planning grant to establish IANPHI and in 2006 awarded a USD 20 million, 5-year implementation grant to launch and conduct project activities. In late 2011, the foundation continued its support with a USD 6 million grant to further develop a model for strengthening national public health institutes globally.
Historical Partners
The Rockefeller Foundation
The Rockefeller Foundation funded the initial meeting of directors of national public health institutes in 2002 that led to the establishment of IANPHI.
Dr. David Heymann
Dr. David Heymann, a world-renowned public health leader, supported the IANPHI Mentorship Program from 2009 to 2012. He very generously donated his entire $250,000 award from the Heinz Family Foundation, which he received for his efforts to help the world prepare for widespread infectious diseases. Dr. Heymann is a former World Health Organization Assistant Director-General for Health Security and Environment and representative of the Director-General for Polio eradication. He also worked for 13 years as a medical epidemiologist in sub-Saharan Africa for the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He is the author of an article published in the Journal of Public Health Policy describing why he believes in national public health institutes (NPHI).
The IANPHI Mentorship Program advanced IANPHI’s goals by supporting and nurturing the current and future leaders of NPHIs in low-resource countries. The six mentor-mentee partnerships developed over the three years of the program yielded demonstrable gains in leadership, organizational development, institutional capacity building, and skills building that benefited not only the individual mentees but also the institutes themselves.
Global Public Health Partners
Agency for Public Health Education Accreditation
The partnership between IANPHI and the Agency for Public Health Education Accreditation (APHEA) has grown out of the Memorandum of Understanding between IANPHI and the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) and within its scope of activities, which includes designing peer-to-peer mechanisms for quality improvement and quality assurance of public health education and training.
The purpose of APHEA is to establish and develop an independent accreditation system for courses, programmes and institutions providing education and training in the field of public health and is seen as a strategic partnership that will benefit our members and partners.
IANPHI and ASPHER are the two sole members of APHEA as per the APHEA statutes approved in 2020. It gives IANPHI a role in accreditation of education and training programme in public health. IANPHI was granted a seat to APHEA's board of directors, which is currently filled by the director of Poland's National Institute of Public Health (NIH), Grzegorz Juszczyk.
Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health
In 2018, IANPHI signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH). ASPPH is the voice of academic public health, representing schools and programs accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health. ASPPH’s mission is to advance leadership, excellence, and collaboration in public health education, research, and practice. The MoU establishes a formal relationship with the interest of strengthening academic public health, workforce development, and sharing expertise. IANPHI and ASPPH are to work together on the promotion and organization of workshops, conferences and training seminars, the development of projects, and the dissemination of activities.
Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance
Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance (CHAMPS) is a global surveillance network that generates and shares accurate cause of death data on child mortality. CHAMPS works at the local, national and global levels to transforms data into action, supporting sustainable changes in policies, systems, and health interventions to accelerate improvements in child health. CHAMPS partners with NPHIs and ministries of health to use CHAMPS data to influence country-led, evidence-based policy, interventions, and resource allocation. IANPHI supports several NPHIs in their work with CHAMPS.
Task Force for Global Health
Established in 1984, the Task Force for Global Health (TFGH) is a non-profit non-governmental organization, based in Decatur, Georgia, USA, whose mission is controlling and eliminating debilitating diseases and building sustainable health systems to protect and promote health. The TFGH has 17 programs, working in more than 150 countries. The vision of the Task Force’s Disease Elimination Strategy is to strengthen in-country health systems through targeted interventions aimed at achieving and sustaining disease elimination and control for priority disease areas. IANPHI member institutes agreed on a Memorandum of Understanding with TFGH in 2021.
World Health Organization
The World Health Organization (WHO), a founding partner of IANPHI, provides ongoing technical expertise and support to the organization. WHO has been engaged with IANPHI since 2005 to establish a set of collaborative partnership activities directed towards the mutual goal of strengthening public health capacity, both nationally and globally. To date, 18 IANPHI members also function as WHO collaborating centers, further reinforcing the relationship between WHO and IANPHI. On October 16, 2022, IANPHI and WHO signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen public health functions and health emergency preparedness.
Regional Public Health Partners
Africa Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
At the 2019 IANPHI Annual Meeting in Ethiopia, a Letter of Intent for a public health partnership between the Africa Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) and IANPHI was signed by Africa CDC Director John Nkengasong and IANPHI President André van der Zande. The agreement formalizes a long-term, fruitful relationship that started when Africa CDC was founded in 2017. Through this agreement, IANPHI and Africa CDC pledge to support one another’s mission and vision, to support one another in reducing the international disease burden and in improving population health in Africa, by helping build and strengthen African NPHIs.
Since Africa CDC’s inception, IANPHI supported several Africa CDC projects including their website, first two annual reports, newsletters, and other marketing materials. Africa CDC contributed to the organization and hosting IANPHI’s annual meeting in December, and the Africa CDC Institute for Workforce Development, established in partnership with Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health, also held a leadership and management training for African NPHI directors.
IANPHI and Africa CDC also collaborated with NPHIs to produce two framework documents: Framework for Development of NPHIs in Africa and Providing a Legal Framework for an NPHI.
African Society for Laboratory Medicine
The African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASML) and IANPHI agreed to explore the joint development of proposals and applications for potential funding for projects to strengthen laboratory system capacity in NPHIs at the IANPHI Annual Meeting held in Rome, Italy on October 22-25, 2017.
Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region
At the 2019 IANPHI Annual Meeting in Ethiopia, the IANPHI General Assembly approved a MoU between IANPHI and the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER), an independent European organization dedicated to improving education and training of public health professionals in Europe. The MoU aims to build workforce capacity at all levels in order to strengthen public health systems, and includes supporting the quality assurance of public health education and training through the Agency for Public Health Education Accreditation (APHEA).
Recognizing the importance of the public health workforce to ensure that a NPHI is able to deliver the public health functions in its remit, IANPHI is supporting ASPHER efforts in developing workforce capacity in the Europe region. In the context of WHO EURO’s Coalition of Partners initiative, IANPHI has contributed from its network an expert review of the core competencies for public health workforce development (ECO-FPHW) and a Road Map for Professionalization.
Caribbean Public Health Agency
At the virtual 2020 IANPHI Annual Meeting, the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), which had been a member of IANPHI since 2014, changed its status from member to IANPHI partner. Established in 2011 and based in Trinidad and Tobago, CARPHA is the single regional public health agency for the Caribbean. CARPHA’s functions include emergency responses to disasters and surveillance and management of non-communicable, communicable, re-emerging, and new communicable diseases.
Global Health Development | Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network
Established in 2009 and based in Amman, Jordan, the Global Health Development | Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network (GHD | EMPHNET) is an umbrella organization for field epidemiology training programs (FETPs) in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Its purpose is to connect and support the region’s FETPs by working on preventing and controlling diseases, conducting and supporting operational research for priority public health domains and strengthening public health programs while working jointly with similar institutions associations, networks and organizations. IANPHI member institutes approved the partnership between IANPHI and GHD | EMPHNET in 2021.
International Academy of Public Health
The International Academy of Public Health (IAPH) is a nonprofit educational institution specializing in professionally oriented, practice-based, standardized public health education and training across the Eastern Mediterranean Region, with headquarters in Amman, Jordan. IAPH is the education and training arm of the Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network (EMPHNET); it aims at responding to current and anticipated needs and forging effective partnerships and synergies to scale up public health education and capacity. IAPH developed short courses, post graduate certificates, and higher diploma programs in thirteen fields of study. IAPH and IANPHI signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2022 establishing a collaboration to improve the public health workforce capacity in countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region for stronger health systems and better population health.
WHO Regional Office for Europe
Since 2017, IANPHI has been an active member of the WHO Regional Office for Europe’s (WHO EURO) Coalition of Partners (CoP) to strengthen essential public health services and capacities across the European Region. IANPHI's collaboration with WHO EURO's Division of Health Systems and Public Health in particular has flourished.
IANPHI and WHO EURO are organizing joint workshops every year, which usually take place immediately after the IANPHI Europe Regional Network meetings (Ukraine, 2017; Poland, 2018; Moldova, 2019). WHO EURO and the WHO Country Office in Ukraine also collaborated to a 2009 workshop on the Staged Development Tool.
Private-Sector Partners
HDR, the world's largest science and technology design and architectural firm, provides technical expertise for IANPHI's NPHI creation projects through its philanthropic initiative, Design 4 Others (D4O).
D4O’s projects with IANPHI include a strategic planning workshop at the Uganda Virus Research Institute helping them improve their overall capabilities, a peer-review of the Myanmar Training Facility design, a new building for Mozambique's National Institute of Health, and the development of a concept design for a facility to house the National Institute of Health of Guinea Bissau.
The architects at Perkins+Will, a global leader in sustainable architecture and design, have donated services such as helping plan an emergency operations center at the Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research Institute (EHNRI).
Becoming a Partner
IANPHI establishes cooperative relationships with partners. Partners are organizations which are not members but with which IANPHI has established a cooperative relationship to advance mutual interests in support of NPHI efforts to improve public health and assist in NPHI development. Partners may include foundations, donors, international organizations, professional societies, governmental funding agencies, academic institutions, schools of public health and groups whose public health focus is national, regional or global in scope.
Interested in becoming a partner? Contact us at info@ianphi.org.