IANPHI Regional Networks
IANPHI supports the development of regional networks, which bring together member national public health institutes (NPHIs) with the aim to foster regional collaboration, facilitate the provision of mutual support and technical assistance, and share expertise, experiences and best practices.
The IANPHI Regional Networks also enable discussions about national public health priorities in the context of regional and global priorities, and about the role and positioning of NPHIs within a region. They can help build regional partnerships that benefit their members (e.g., with WHO regional offices, Africa CDC, supranational agencies etc.).
IANPHI has four regional networks: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean. Regional structures are coordinated and chaired by member NPHIs.
Read the Regional Networks Guidelines
IANPHI Africa Regional Network
Established in 2013, the IANPHI Africa Regional Network is currently co-chaired by Dr. Alex Riolexus Ario, director of the Uganda National Institute of Public Health, and Prof. Hervé Hien, director of Burkina Faso's Institut National de Santé Publique. It facilitates coordination, interaction, and cooperation among its 40 member NPHIs in Africa.
IANPHI Asia Regional Network
Established in 2018, the IANPHI Asia Regional Network fosters collaboration, integration, and cooperation among its 22 member NPHIs across Asia. It facilitates coordination and interaction among new and existing institutes across the continent. The Network is co-chaires by Dr. Muhannad Sulaiman Aloraini, director of the Public Health Academy at the Saudi Public Health Authority, and Prof. Tahmina Shirin, Director of the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research, Bangladesh.
IANPHI Europe Regional Network
Established in 2018, the IANPHI Europe Regional Network is comprised of 42 member NPHIs. It is chaired by Dr. Trygve Ottersen, executive director at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. The network's vice chair is Ms. Olga Gvozdetska, deputy director general of the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
Since 2006 IANPHI has also been supporting the network's annual meetings. These meetings, hosted by member NPHIs, provide opportunities for directors to gather and exchange information, discuss health topics of interest to the region, and network to build and strengthen partnerships between NPHIs.
IANPHI Latin America Regional Network
The IANPHI Latin America Regional Network fosters collaboration, integration, and cooperation among its 10 member NPHIs in the region. It is chaired by Dr. Felix Rosenberg, director of Itaborai Forum: Politics, Science and Culture in Health at Brazil's Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz).