Monitoring NPHI Development: a Collaborative Tool

Hosted by France's Institut de veille sanitaire (InVS) and facilitated by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S. CDC), a working group convened in Paris, France, in February 2015 for a high level discussion on the development of a Staged Development Tool (SDT) for national public health institutes (NPHIs), including the tool's purpose, structure, and practical application.
The nature of the SDT's development process reflects the peer-to-peer collaboration that is paramount to IANPHI's work, and members of the working group noted the high value of meeting with leaders of other NPHIs across IANPHI's global network.
Having met previously in October 2014, the France workshop was the second meeting of a working group of representatives from more than 10 IANPHI member institutes.
Led by U.S. CDC, the group aims to develop and refine a dynamic tool that can be applied to diverse NPHI contexts to monitor the progress and development of an NPHI, namely in its ability to address specific public health functions.
The tool’s key elements are based on existing models of public health functions and operations as defined by the World Health Organization, the Pan American Health Organization, U.S. CDC, and others.
The group will meet again later this year to discuss pilot testing of the development tool.
2015 NPHI Development Tool Consultancy Group:
Dr. Ezra Barzilay, Shelly Bratton, Henry Vandi, Dr. Craig Thomas, U.S. CDC
Dr. Reinhard Burger, Germany Robert Koch Institute
Dr. Placido Cardoso, Guinea Bissau National Institute of Public Health
Courtenay Dusenbury, IANPHI U.S. Office
Dr. Mohamed Guled Farah, Somalia National Institute of Health
Dr. Frode Forland, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Dr. Mohamed Rhajaoui, Morocco National Institute of Hygiene
Dr. Felix Rosenberg, FIOCRUZ Brazil
Dr. Mark Salter, Public Health England
Dr. Anne Catherine Viso, Dr. Jean Claude Desenclos, Dr. Bertrand Xerri, Dorianne Fuchs, National Institute of Health Surveillance, France