China CDC: Collaboration, Development and CHAMPS

(L-R) Courtenay Dusenbury, director at IANPHI, Dr. Jeff Koplan, co-founder of IANPHI and vice-president for Emory Global Health, Zhou Xianpnong (PhD) of China CDC, Yu Wang, director general of China CDC 

Leaders from China Center for Disease Control (China CDC) a founding member and key contributor to the IANPHI since 2006, were key participants in a high-level Chinese delegation that visited IANPHI and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (U.S. CDC) in early October to discuss public health emergency response and preparedness and the global health strategy.   

The delegates met with the U.S. CDC director Dr. Thomas Friedan to discuss highlights from past accomplishments and successful collaborations between the two NPHIs and to emphasize the opportunities moving forward between the U.S. CDC, China CDC, and the Health and Family Planning Commission.

Other key issues discussed included non-communicable diseases, pandemic flu preparedness, HIV and immunization and a hepatitis project in Sierra Leone. It is anticipated that a discussion on the Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance program (CHAMPS) will lead to new joint opportunities for collaboration.

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