How Can Countries Improve Integrated Disease Surveillance Systems?

IANPHI was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to examine the status of national surveillance systems, if and how integrated disease surveillance (IDS) systems have been developed and operationalized, and the evidence base for the effectiveness of IDS.

IDS has been advocated as an approach to enable countries to improve their disease surveillance and response capabilities so that they can detect and respond to communicable disease threats in a timely way. Global surveillance systems were not well-prepared to identify and manage the emerging threat COVID-19 posed to health and well-being.

The aims of this study were to document the current state of knowledge, understanding and implementation of IDS worldwide. The assessment also aimed to identify key barriers, enablers, and opportunities revealed by responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. To achieve these objectives IANPHI conducted a scoping review of published evidence, a multi-country survey of our members, and qualitative “deep dive” case studies of seven countries. 


Read the full reports of each workstream:


IDS Webinar from June 23, 2023:

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