Framework for NPHI Development
The IANPHI Framework for the Creation and Development of National Public Health Institutes (NPHIs) is a guide to the formation and growth of the world's NPHIs.
The Framework provides a common conceptual basis and language for discussing NPHIs, presents models of how they function, and suggests approaches for countries thinking of creating or expanding their NPHIs. The document was developed with extensive review and contributions from several IANPHI member directors and their top advisors. The IANPHI Secretariat and Executive Board also contributed to the document.
There is no one model for an NPHI. Some countries have large NPHIs that lead national efforts in disease surveillance, outbreak investigation, research, and policy work for infectious and chronic diseases. Others focus on a core mission of surveillance, laboratory science, and applied research. Still others work as part of an in-country network, in partnership with other public health agencies in the country.
Whatever the model, every NPHI shares a set of core attributes and core functions. One of the attributes is an emphasis on the major public health issues affecting the country. Focusing on the major issues requires an NPHI to be dynamic – ready to adapt to meet new challenges. NPHIs are also science-based organizations, with priorities driven by data and evidence.
The core functions are derived from the essential public health functions, which have been in use for over a decade. These functions are the indispensable set of actions that are fundamental for achieving the goal of public health, which is to improve, promote, protect, and restore the health of the population through collective action.
Among the core functions, the Framework defines those that are the most critical for NPHIs:
- Evaluation and analysis of health status
- Public health surveillance, problem investigation, and control of risks and threats to public health
- Public health research
The IANPHI Framework for the Creation and Development of NPHI is available in four languages:
English French Portuguese Spanish
See also:
The Report of Bellagio Meeting: Role of Essential Public Health Functions, National Public Health Institutes, and IANPHI in 21st Century (2012) includes recommendations to IANPHI on the value of NPHIs and the relevancy of the IANPHI Framework for the Creation and Development of National Public Health Institutes and Essential Public Health Functions in a changing global health arena.