Session 5: Growing Effective Collaborations Across the European Region - From Survey to Action

On April 19, 2024, IANPHI held a session during the IANPHI Europe meeting in Montenegro, where participants explored ways to enhance collaboration between European national public health institutes (NPHIs) and with supranational agencies. Moderated by Dr. Quentin Sandifer, IANPHI Strategic Advisor, and introduced by Dr. Trygve Ottersen, Executive Director at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and Chair of the IANPHI Europe Network, the session focused on strategies for fostering cooperation, sharing resources, and aligning efforts to address public health challenges effectively. 

Group Work

Facilitated by Dr. Andrea Ammon, Director, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Mag. Claudia Habl, Director International Affairs & Subsidiaries, Austrian National Public Health Institute (GÖG), Dr. Rishma Maini, Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Public Health Scotland, and Ms. Caroline Costongs, Director, EuroHealthNet

Through interactive group discussions, attendees explored the following questions: 

  1. The ‘Mapping of NPHIs and update for the IANPHI Focal Point Network’ survey aims to understand how IANPHI European NPHIs are promoting collaboration. Participants were asked to suggest additional actions IANPHI could take to enhance collaboration and to specify how their own institutes could contribute to the IANPHI network.
  2. Besides collaboration among NPHIs, there is a recognized need to partner with external institutions. Participants were invited to recommend other institutions IANPHI should engage with and discuss the best ways to foster these collaborations.
  3. Collaboration is seen as a mean to achieve specific outcomes. Participants were encouraged to identify potential actions or outcomes, such as advocacy, webinars, or consensus statements, that could arise from collaboration. The session also sought input on how to turn identified needs into concrete activities.

Key Takeaways:

  • Facilitating Collaboration and Networking Amongst IANPHI Member NPHIs  
    • Continue developing practical activities: peer-reviews, mentorship program, subject-specific collaborations, etc. 
    • Collect and share information on NPHIs remit, needs and opportunities for collaboration: the ‘Mapping of NPHIs and update for the IANPHI Focal Point Network’ survey is currently being designed. The survey will be distributed in May to the whole IANPHI membership and stay open for six weeks. 
    • Create a searchable membership database updated annually and coordinated by the IANPHI Secretariat.  
    • Improve information sharing and ensure transparency in roles and responsibilities within the Regional Networks and Thematic Committees.  
    • Promote debates during global and regional annual meetings and webinars.
  • Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations 
  • Defining IANPHI’s Advantage 
    • Clearly articulate IANPHI’s role and comparative advantage to attract more collaboration. 
    • Raise the Association’s profile through active engagement in external events and multilateral forums. 
    • Map needs and address gaps: Identify ongoing collaborations to find gaps and opportunities for improvement. Form consortiums of NPHIs facing similar issues to share best practices and enhance twinning and partnerships. Identify opportunities and facilitate development initiatives. Conduct strategic foresight exercises to anticipate future needs and challenges. 

Prof. Carlo Signorelli, President of the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) expressed enthusiasm about collaborating with IANPHI, emphasizing the complementarity of networks. He highlighted the essential nature of the IANPHI-ASPHER collaboration for workforce strengthening, the importance of the joint MoU for daily operations, and suggested the possibility of organizing back-to-back meetings in the future. 

Speakers presentations

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