2021 IANPHI Annual Meeting

The 2021 IANPHI Annual Meeting was held virtually on December 1-3, 2021, hosted by Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), the Brazilian public health institute. This year's theme was Recovering from Pandemics: Building a Healthier and More Equitable World. Participants discussed the role of national public health institutes (NPHIs) in tackling health inequities, exacerbated by major public health challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. The detailed agenda of the six virtual sessions is available below.
Read our featured story by Fiocruz
Read the Rio de Janeiro Statement on Health Inequities
December 1, 2021
Session 1: IANPHI General Assembly (Members and Partners Only)
IANPHI President Duncan Selbie led the session, which featured election results regarding IANPHI's membership and partnerships, and the Recognition of Success initiative. Dr. Nisia Trindade Lima, president of Brazil's Fiocruz, delivered the keynote speech.
Read the General Assembly Highlights
Download the general Assembly Agenda
Download the 2021 Activity Report Summary
Download the General Assembly Election Results
Download the Project List of the 2021 Recognition of Success
Session 2: IANPHI Strategic Action Plan 2022-2025 (Members and Partners Only)
In this session, IANPHI presented its new action plan, which was developed over the past few months to implement the five priorities of the IANPHI Strategy 2021-2025. Members were then able to ask questions to IANPHI's leadership.
Download the Action Plan Executive Summary
Download the Presentation of Sadaf Lynes
December 2, 2021
Session 3: National Public Health Institutes’ Experience Responding to COVID-19: A Health Equity Perspective
The indirect impacts of COVID-19 on populations’ health and socioeconomic situations revealed and accentuated health inequalities. Led by Dr. Claudia Perandones, director of the Executive Unit for Higher Education and Training at Argentina's Administración Nacional de Laboratorios e Institutos de Salud (ANLIS), this session explored how NPHIs tackled health inequalities in the second year of the pandemic, and how they can develop their activities on health equity while entering the phase of recovery from COVID-19.
Perspective from the National Institute for Communicable Diseases of South Africa
Dr. Natalie Mayet, Deputy Director, National Institute for Communicable Diseases (South Africa)
Resource: Global Health Centre's Guide to Global Health Diplomacy
Korea's Experience of COVID-19 Responses with Respect to Health Equity
Yujin Jeong, Director, Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (Republic of Korea)
A Collaborative Approach to Tackling COVID-19 Health Inequalities in France
Prof. Geneviève Chêne, Chief Executive, Santé publique France (France)
Perspective from the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health of Georgia
Dr. Natia Skhvitaridze, Advisor to the Director General, National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (Georgia)
Download the presentation of Natalie Mayet (South Africa)
Download the presentation of Yujin Jeong (Korea)
Download the presentation of Geneviève Chêne (France)
Download the presentation of Natia Skhvitaridze (Georgia)
Watch the recording
Session 4: Health Equity Tools and Strategies
This session was facilitated by Shelly Bratton, national public health institute program lead at the Division of Global Health Protection of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to discuss the development of health equity tools and strategies. Participants heard experiences from several NPHIs that have a role in health equity and discussed how health equity is or could be a core component of NPHI institutional development and inform NPHI goals, objectives and strategies.
- Dr. Juan Rivera, Director, Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica (Mexico)
- Dr. Ir Por, Lead, Health System Research Center, National Institute of Public Health (Cambodia)
- Dr. Carlos Castañeda, Director, National Health Observatory, Instituto Nacional de Salud (Colombia)
Download the presentation of Juan Rivera (Mexico)
Download the presentation of Ir Por (Cambodia)
Download the presentation of Carlos Castañeda (Colombia)
Watch the recording
December 3, 2021
Session 5: Integrating Health Equity into NPHIs’ Climate and Environmental Action
Climate change, biodiversity loss and other degradations of Earth’s life-supporting systems are a severe threat to the physical and mental well-being of populations worldwide. Their adverse health impacts increase existing health, demographic and socio-economic inequalities, by affecting the most vulnerable populations. The IANPHI Roadmap for Action on Health and Climate Change, launched in November 2021, highlighted how NPHIs can identify, prevent and respond to these health impacts. Moderated by Dr. Tracey Cooper, chief executive of Public Health Wales, the session further explored how health equity issues can be integrated in NPHIs’ actions on climate, environment and health. Members shared examples of good practices at the national level and discussed ways to act collectively at the international level to jointly address climate change and health inequities.
Importance of Tackling Jointly Health Inequalities and Climate Change
Ingrid Stegeman, Program Manager, EuroHealthNet
Resources: Health Inequalities Portal, Joint Action on Health Inequalities website
Challenges and Perspectives of Climate Change and Health Equity in Mozambique
Dr. Tatiana Marrufo, Lead, Program of Environment and Health, Instituto Nacional de Saúde (Mozambique)
Presentation of the ELLIS Project (Belgium)
Dr. Brecht Devleesschauwer, Senior Epidemiologist, Sciensano (Belgium)
Resource: ELLIS project website
Highlights of COP15 and COP26 from a Health Equity Perspective
Dr. Luiz Augusto Galvão, Senior Researcher, Center of International Relations in Health, Fiocruz (Brazil)
Download the presentation of Ingrid Stegeman (EuroHealthNet)
Download the presentation of Dr. Tatiana Marrufo (Mozambique)
Download the presentation of Dr. Brecht Devleesschauwer (Belgium)
Download the presentation of Dr. Luiz Augusto Galvão (Brazil)
Watch the recording
Session 6: Closing Session
Led by Dr. Jean-Claude Desenclos, IANPHI's outgoing secretary general, the session offered a summary of each session's key points and drew the conclusions of the 2021 IANPHI Annual Meeting. Members were invited to discuss a draft Fiocruz-led IANPHI Declaration on Health Equity, which will be published by the end of the year. Members also welcomed the new IANPHI secretary general, Dr. Anne-Catherine Viso of Santé publique France, who previously held the position of deputy secretary general. The session concluded with an announcement of the Public Health Agency of Sweden, which will host next year's IANPHI Annual Meeting from November 30 to December 2, 2022.